Briege is a dedicated Yogini and Yoga teacher, Medicine Woman, Counselor and Psychospiritual Facilitator. She is passionate about the spiritual journey home and utilizes Yoga as the vehicle to take herself there and guide others in their process and journey inward to living an authentic, soul expressed and fulfilled life.
She is a light bearer and an alchemist in how she intuitively weaves together knowledge and wisdom in her teaching and offerings. Briege has over twenty-five years of experience working with individuals in Canada, China and the United States. She has studied extensively in the healing arts over the past three decades, deepen in practices that benefit healing and integration of mind, heart, body and spirit. Briege has a Masters degree in East-West Psychology, a convergence of Eastern spiritual and Western psychological traditions, from the California Institute of Integral Studies in San Francisco. She believes that through the discipline of a daily practice, everyone can cultivate the courage required to live from a place of heart and meaning.