Robert Tindall, M.A. is a writer, classical guitarist, long-time practitioner of Zen Buddhism, and an inveterate traveler, whose work explores the crossing of frontiers into other cultures, time depths, and states of consciousness. He is the author of two books on...
Sean Hamman has a longstanding and intimate relationship with visionary, healing plant medicines. He has undoubtedly been called to this vocation, through dreams and visions that led him toward his current lifework as an Iboga ceremony leader with his working partner...
Presenting “MEDICINE” at SPMC TJ Dawe is a Vancouver based writer, performer and director. He’s participated in more than one hundred theatre festivals across North America. He has six published plays and a humor book. His play Toothpaste and Cigars recently debuted...
Susana Bustos, Ph.D., holds degrees in Clinical Psychology (1992) and in Music Therapy (2002) from Chilean universities, as well as a doctorate in East-West Psychology from CIIS (2007), where she presently teaches courses in Entheogenic Shamanism and Research Design....
Steve Dyer has been deeply engaged with spiritual practices, including entheogens, throughout his adult life. Steve’s initiation into what he terms “stillness” occurred in 1973. Although he had already had deep encounters with psychedelics such as LSD, his most...
Don Blaikie has been about as steeped and processed as anyone in the Earth and Spirit wisdom worldview of Native North American understanding. He has been working with indigenous ways since 1974 and became involved with the peyote road of the Native American Church...