Don Chabelo

Don Chabelo

 Jose? Isabel Gonza?lez de la Cruz, also known as Don Chabelo, is a Marakame of the Wixa?rrika Nation, hailing from Jalisco, Mexico. He is descended from a long, distinguished lineage of Marakate1, including his parents, aunt, uncle, and both his maternal and paternal...
Theda Phoenix

Theda Phoenix

Theda Phoenix is a sacred sound channel, intuitive singer, sound-healer, songwriter and recording artist whose enchanting voice, shamanic sounds and soul inspiring lyrics move people deeply, catalyzing wellness and transformation.She works with a variety of...


Renowned Australian didjeridu master Shine has been performing, teaching, and offering sound healing for close to 30 years. He has performed at numerous international festivals to thousands of people and shared the stage with many well-known artists, including Mickey...
Curtis Andrews

Curtis Andrews

Curtis Andrews is a Canadian musician with global persuasions; a percussionist/composer/teacher who creates music that is informed by his many years of experience with West African, South Indian and jazz traditions yet transcends most categories. In June 2009 he moved...