Cristina Orbé is a non-profit founder, artist, educator, and seeker. In 2008, she co-founded FEEST, a nationally (USA) recognized youth food justice organization, that continues today without her leadership. Over the past 15 years, she has released several albums and toured internationally as a musician. In 2009, she became ill with debilitating chronic pain accompanied by a range of symptoms that puzzled western medical doctors. In 2012, she completed a 6 month master plant dieta with Ricardo Amaringo at the Ayahuasca healing center Nihue Rao in Peru. The dieta, coupled with the body work of bonesetter Maria Luisa, completely healed her body from chronic pain, joint and low back injuries, and other ailments including food allergies and skin rashes. Her story appears in Joe Tarfur’s recently released book “The Fellowship of the River”. Working with plant intelligence has deeply influenced her personal journey and her perspective on the collective healing that must emerge for societal advancement. She is currently studying plant spirit medicine, ancient Aztec and Toltec practices, and indigenous cosmologies. She organizes community healing rituals in Seattle and is actively engaging the city to financially support community ritual as a part of cultural funding.

Working title and description: Plant Intelligence: Healing to Reimagine the Future
Cristina Orbé will share stories from her healing journey as well as
realizations that have emerged from her relationship with master plants and altered states. — is not working now but will be up in June.