Nondual Energetic Therapy with Entheogens

Nondual Energetic Therapy with Entheogens

Martin W. Ball, received his Ph.D. in Religious Studies from UCSB in 2000, and is the author of over fourteen books (both fiction and non-fiction) on entheogens, nonduality, and the nature of being, including his seminal work, Being Human, and his most recent book, Being Infinite: An Entheogenic Odyssey into the Limitless Eternal – a Memoir from Ayahuasca to Zen. A controversial figure in the field, Martin advocates what he calls a “radical nondual” approach to entheogens, and sees their greatest potential as energetic tools that can assist individuals in overcoming the limitations of the ego to experience nondual awareness and full embodiment of the unitary nature of being. He is also the host of “The Entheogenic Evolution” podcast and co-founder of the Exploring Psychedelics Conference at Southern Oregon University, where he teaches Religion as an adjunct professor. In addition, he is active in the local scene as a visionary fractal artist, multi-instrumentalist musician, and nondual coach/energetic guide.,,