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The Transformative Power of Psychedelics: From Individual to Collective to Planetary


Life on Earth is evolving at a pace faster than many of us could have anticipated just a few years ago. This rapid change underscores the urgent need for new—and ancient—visions rooted in compassion, connection, balance, and enlightened action. In these tumultuous times, when used in optimal conditions and integrated effectively into daily life, psychedelic and sacramental plants, along with related substances, emerge as some of the most potent allies and tools available to humanity.

However, these remarkable substances are not the story in and of themselves. At their best, they serve a greater vision and prayer for a “turning of the soil,” beginning with our own healing and extending outward to influence how we manifest and participate in the world. At the Spirit Plant Medicine Conference (SPMC), we are passionately committed to providing a platform for the sharing of insight and wisdom toward this vision. Our goal is to benefit all inhabitants of the planet, the Earth itself, and the generations yet to come.


Our Commitment to Collective Healing


To advance this mission, we have been bringing leading influencers in fields related to psychedelics and consciousness transformation to Vancouver, Canada, for 13 years. Over this time, we’ve learned from both presenters and participants that the SPMC is a unique and special conference. It has not only generated valuable information, inspiration, and community-strengthening connections but has also evoked a powerful sense of empowerment and heart-centeredness among attendees.


2024 Presenters: A Diverse and Inclusive Lineup


One of the defining and almost unique features of the beloved SPMC is its diversity and range of perspectives on psychedelics and consciousness transformation. Each year, we strive for a balanced representation, ensuring an equal number of female and male presenters, along with significant Indigenous and BIPOC representation. Our speakers have included ceremonialists, therapists, philosophers, mystics, advocates, activists, and academics—each contributing actionable information and inspiration for individual and collective healing as we navigate this planetary transition.

(Tentative) 2024 Schedule – Click here


As reflected in the 2024 speaker lineup, this commitment to balance and breadth of perspectives remains strong. We are excited to present another remarkable collection of influential voices representing the medicines and their associated modalities and cosmologies.

You are warmly invited to join us for this seminal and potentially life-altering event—for yourself and for all our relatives on this beautiful blue planet.

The Spirit Plant Medicine Team

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For more information please contact Marc at: or call 778-657-5438

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SPMC and Conscious Living Network are not endorsing any specific guest or ideologies through this event. With any of the presenters involved, it is important to understand these are independent speakers with reputations of their own.

We are offering the forum to explore ideas and understandings about plant based intelligence and healing and would like to encourage participating guests to empower themselves through these discussions and through the information available. This is for security’s sake, and also to honor the diversity of cultures and perspectives in relationship to the plants and the people who work with them. Thank you.

Copyright © Spirit Plant Medicine Conference