Cosmic Sister® is an environmental feminist educational advocacy group founded in 2007 by cultural activist Zoe Helene, who coined the term Psychedelic Feminism. We have several interconnected projects in place supporting #WomenInPsychedelics, and we have hope for the future.
Cosmic Sister’s Psychedelic Feminism champions women’s empowerment and frontline voices, emphasizing our responsibility—as Earth’s apex predator—to rapidly evolve from a cultural perspective. We advocate for our natural right to journey with sacred plants (and fungi) as a way to jump-start rapid cultural evolution, starting with women.
The Cosmic Sister Emerging Voices Award (CS EVA) shines a light on outstanding individuals in the field to strengthen their visibility.
The following women received CS EVA in association with Spirit Plant Medicine Conference 2022.
Hadas Alterman (@HadasAlterman), founding partner at Plant Medicine Law Group (@plant_medicine_law_group), a boutique women-owned law firm focused on startups, psychedelics, the cannabis industry, women-owned business, and conscious capitalism
Aja Atwood (@trellatech), natural catastrophe risk engineer and co-founder and CEO of Trella Technologies, an agri-tech company that focuses on indoor farming and climate disaster risk engineering to create technologies that will revolutionize urban farming to protect plant medicine and food supply
Sara Barbosa (@saubarbosa), anthropologist, ethnopsychologist, holistic psychologist, and apprentice of midwifery and traditional Colombian Muysqua medicine tradition, cofounder Bachué Women Foundation (@mujeresbachue) and Huytaca Intercultural School (@escuela_huytaca)
Angela Nikita Cara, RCC (@angelanikitacara), psychotherapist offering psilocybin therapy, holistic psychotherapy, and dreamwork at Wise Body Counselling (@wisebodycounselling) and host of the Earth Priestess podcast
Mel Cassidy (@radicalrelating), sex-positive nerd, cultural rebel, Queer, psychedelic-friendly polyamorous relationship coach and founder of Radical Relating and the Monogamy Detox ( course
Christine Jairamsingh (@christinejairamsingh), consultant and writer focused on non-oppressive beauty and wellness standards viewed through a social justice lens
Kathleen Lakey (@psychedelic_assembly), multimedia artist, activist, dreamer, and founder and producer of The Psychedelic Assembly, an intimate leadership conference in NYC
G. Luca Oake (
Maddalen Pasini (@yawntogether), psychedelic explorer and co-creator of YAWN, an educational platform working to de-stigmatize psilocybin and other sacred plant medicines who also works closely with psychedelic researcher Lindsay Mackay, MD (@DrLindsayMackay)
Sarah Russo (@herbsforapocalypse), author of Herbs for the Apocalypse, a women-created plants-and-punk-rock graphic novel about plant medicine, empowerment, resistance, and art
Amanda Siebert (@amanda_siebert), author and freelance multimedia journalist focusing on the intersections of culture, science, and health in cannabis and psychedelic spaces, with bylines in The New York Times, Forbes, Vice and more.
Stephanie Wang (@stephaniewang5d), wellness entrepreneur, storyteller, host of the How Things Connect podcast, sacred psychoactive entrepreneur, founder and CEO of KA! Empathogenics (@ka.empathogenics)