FullSizeRender“Our people predicted through oral teachings, and as we say in Central America, it was written in stone; the gliffs were made, they were carved, left for the generations to come, and we were told that exactly at this particular time, the women would lead the nations.”

Mayan – Highlands of Central America.

In October 2004, thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers from around the world—many of them plant medicine people—came together with seven highly-regarded women elders from the Western societies to honour and act upon ancient prophesies and recent visions that speak to these rapidly changing times.

As planetary conditions intensify in multiple spheres, it feels to some of us that this is a time for major leaps forward in recognizing and assisting with what has been called “the rise, (or return,) of the sacred feminine.”

For that reason the Spirit Plant Medicine Conference (SPMC), Oct. 24 and 25 at UBC in Vancouver, BC, will have its strongest yet contingent of visionary women presenters.

These include:

Marguerite Rigoglioso (California), scholar, mystic, healer and founder and head of the Seven Sisters Mystery School (www.sevensistersmysteryschool.com)

Kathleen Harrison, (California), ethnobotanist, teacher, conference speaker, writer, illustrator, and founder and head of Botanical Dimensions (www.botanicaldimension.org), a non-profit dedicated to preserving sacred plants and plant knowledge.

Annie Oak, (California), innovator, organizer, founder of the Women’s Visionary Congress www.visionarycongress.org), creator of the Full Circle Tea House and co-drafter of the Manual of Psychedelic Support (www.psychsitter.com).

Devon Christie, (British Columbia), MD – but that barely begins to describe her work. Please see Dr. Christie’s bio on the SPMC website: https://spiritplantmedicine.com/team_member/devon-christie-md-ccfp-gppa/
Her talk at the SPMC is titled: “Three Pillars of Support for Healing with Spirit Plant Medicines.”

Angela Prider, (British Columbia), counselor and healer, (www.westcoastshamanic.com), has worked in areas of youth in transition, addiction treatment and harm reduction, and entheogen integration. Her talk, with Gerald Thomas, is titled “Roots to Treasure – Integrating Deep Healing with Plant Spirits.”

Many believe that the effectiveness of a vision, or prayer, can be amplified by the presence in the same physical space of like-minded people. Along with our continuing intention to help clarify and strengthen the vision underlying work with entheogens, this year we’re especially calling women of vision and commitment to come and contribute to the energy of the rise of the sacred feminine.