We are Yurahu (meaning Family in the Yawanawá language) dedicated team of individuals in alliance with the Yawanawá people working to support their sustainability and traditional cultural knowledge.

Formed in 2020 by our founding members and Yawanawá board of advisors, Amazonia Yurahu Alliance supports Yawanawá-led projects in the village of Mutum, in the state of Acre, Brazil.

We have come together as a family to be a bridge between the Yawanawá and the western world. We seek to build a global alliance of people who hear the call to help, who understand the importance of the Amazon rainforest, and who endeavour to preserve Indigenous knowledge.

We are committed to supporting the Yawanawá Nipei Garden of Medicines as our first project.  Our focus is on supporting the Nipei Garden of the Medicines project.  This project focuses on the preservation of the traditional knowledge of the medicinal plants in the Amazon Rainforest and its use for various emotional, mental and physical ailments.


Website information

Amazonia Yurahu Alliance



Social Media:

Instagram: yurahu.alliance

Facebook: yurahu.alliance