
Anastasiais a shamanic practitioner and teacher, reiki master teacher, herbal medicine-maker, vipassana meditator and written storyteller. She offers workshops on the sacred and ancient practice of shamanic journeying, tarot readings, monthly hapé (sacred tobacco) and fire ceremonies, and shamanic healings that reconnect and transform. During the conference, come say hello and learn more about my medicines, shamanic ceremonies, intuitive tarot readings and creative projects.
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Anki is a Mexican sound-vibration therapist, cultural diffuser and guide for cacao, Otac (Incilius alvarius/bufo/5-MeO DMT) and other plant medicine ceremonies. A connector of Indigenous First Nations within Mexico and abroad, Anki works directly with the Wixarika (Huichol)—guardians of the sacred medicine hikuri (peyote)—and Comcaac (Seris) peoples—guardians of the Otac. He organizes retreats on their sacred territories in Mexico to offer traditional ceremonial practices, while convening with the elders and reuniting the larger community with these ancient and sacred teachings. Through his organization, Sacred Mexico, Anki further supports his Indigenous partners through recognition and increased opportunity by selling Huichol, Comcaac and other Indigenous handmade art, and sharing their knowledge and culture. During the conference, come say hello, and learn more about my traditional ceremonial offerings of bufo, cacao and other plant medicines. More about me at