We do Shamanism differently…

At The Meehl Foundation Spiritual Retreat Center, we embrace the universality and intercultural value of shamanism as an omnipresent global practice while advocating deep respect and honour for the disitinct cultural rituals which have been shared with us.

Our approach is gentle and inclusive, encouraging a foundational and deeply personal journey that is both impactful and accessible.

The Meehl Foundation is a non-profit 501c3 blending researched backed, evidence based treatment methods with time-honoured sacred ceremonies and plant medicines to initiate immediate change and support lasting recovery through intensive 3-day healing retreats, with Kambo, Psilocybin and Yopo and integrative coaching programs and after-care. ” www.meehlfoundation.org/plant-medicine


Thank you

Meehl Foundation


Email:  meehlfou@meehlfoundation.org