Sacred Mexico
Organization that supports the pueblos originarios – First Nations, indigenous communities, sharing handmade art, culture, traditions, ceremonial tools, instruments and ancient knowledge from the Mesoamerican territory (ancient Anáhuac).
Directly colaborating with foundations like Casa Huichol AC in Jalisco , with more than 40 years helping the Wixarika with health, shelter and better opportunities.

We are a proudly Mexican foundation that promotes art , culture, traditions sharing hand made crafts, music, ceremony and ancient knowledge from the Mesoamerican territory (Anahuac).

With the main objetive of keepimg alive our ancient knowledge and providing better life opportunities to the indigenous nations around the continent .
The exhibition, promotion and sale of this art directly support the artisans and their families, such as the Wixarika (Huicholes), the Comcaac (Seri), Mazahuas , Kuntanawa, Varinawa, yawanawa, Shipibo, & more first nations, pueblos originarios or indigenous communities we collaborate with.
All products undergo a manual elaboration process, taking quite some time and dedication as no advanced machinery is used to carry out their different crafts, they are traditional works, made the same way for generations.
Instagram : mexico.sagrado/