“Psychedelic Storytelling: A Sacred Liberation and Decolonization Practice” Victor Alfonso Cabral, LSW, is an Afro-Latinx professional deeply dedicated to serving and uplifting historically marginalized communities. Drawing from his personal and...
Dr.sc.hum. Dipl.-Psych Anja Loizaga-Velder, is a German-Mexican clinical psychologist and psychotherapist, with humanistic orientation. Parallel to her psychological practice Anja has been learning from and collaborating with indigenous enteogenic healing specialists...
“The Shortcomings of Wellness” Ifetayo Harvey founded the People of Color Psychedelic Collective (POCPC). The POCPC educates and builds community with people of color interested in psychedelics and ending the war on drugs. In 2022, Open Society Foundations...
“Psychedelics: From Personal to Planetary Healing” Susan Leopold, PhD, is an ethnobotanist and passionate defender of biodiversity. Prior to working at United Plant Savers, she worked as a librarian at the Oak Spring Garden Library, specializing in digitizing rare...
“A Full-spectrum Psychedelic PolicyParadigm: Establishing, Reconciling Tensions and Seeking Harmonization” Ismail Lourido Ali, JD (he/him or they/them) has been personally utilizing psychedelics and other substances in celebratory and spiritual contexts...