Spirit Plant Medicine Conference breaking news

Spirit Plant Medicine Conference breaking news

Jonathan Thompson has been added to the conference presenter roster. Stephen Gray caught Jonathan’s extremely well-received Skype presentation on psychedelic parenting at a recent conference in Ashland, Oregon and invited him to reprise it for our conference in...
Nondual Energetic Therapy with Entheogens by Martin W. Ball, Ph.D.

Nondual Energetic Therapy with Entheogens by Martin W. Ball, Ph.D.

Martin W. Ball is one of the feature presenters at the 2015 Spirit Plant Medicine Conference, Vancouver, BC, Canada, Oct. 24 and 25. You can view his bio at the “Guides and Visionaries 2015” page on the conference website. In his talk, Martin will present his...
Deepening the Conversation: Authenticity and Illusion

Deepening the Conversation: Authenticity and Illusion

Last year we put the title: “The Next Level: Deepening the Conversation” on the Spirit Plant Medicine Conference (SPMC) homepage. That title sprang from the intuition that in some important sense the ‘community’ of those working with entheogens had to some extent...
The Return of the Delphic Oracle

The Return of the Delphic Oracle

That title is a somewhat obscure (and slightly lighthearted) way of referring to a key development in work with the sacramental medicines. It might also be termed “the return of the sacred feminine”. As we all know, the wisdom and power of women has been severely...
A Strengthening Vision

A Strengthening Vision

  Greetings fellow workers and seekers of wisdom and healing. This is the first post of 2015 for the Spirit Plant Medicine Conference (SPMC). If you’re new to the conference you may want to take a look (under “Past Guides and Visionaries” at the SPMC website) at...