Kelly Dunn & Josh Sarvis

Kelly Dunn & Josh Sarvis

Josh Sarvis and Kelly Dunn have been cultivating pure, closed loop cannabis for almost 3 decades. They are Humus Beings dedicated to intentionally and actively educating the cannabis industry on purity in cultivation inputs and practices. They are passionate about...
Kenneth Tupper, Ph.D

Kenneth Tupper, Ph.D

Kenneth Tupper, Ph.D., is an Adjunct Professor in the School of Child & Youth Care at the University of Victoria. Kenneth’s doctoral research developed the concept of “entheogenic education,” a theoretical frame for understanding how psychedelic plants and...
Olivia Marcus

Olivia Marcus

Olivia Marcus completed her PhD in medical anthropology from the University of Connecticut with a specialization in social sciences and healthcare, and an MPH in sociomedical sciences from Columbia University. She is a postdoctoral fellow at the NYU Rory Meyers...
Willow WoodSmith

Willow WoodSmith

Wood Carver, Plant Romancer, Ceremonialist, Father and Village Tender Born and raised as a child in the woods of Northern Interior BC, and Detroit city in his teen years. Discovering Plant Medicine ceremony in his early 30’s after the birth of his daughter Pearl...
Dr. Anja Loizaga-Velder

Dr. Anja Loizaga-Velder

Dr. Anja Loizaga-Velder is a German-Mexican clinical psychologist whose research into the therapeutic potential of ritual psychedelic plant use spans more than two decades. She serves as Director of Research and Psychotherapy at the Nierika Institute for Intercultural...
Marco Sánchez

Marco Sánchez

Watch Marco’s Full 2023 Presentation Here Marco Sánchez is a practitioner and researcher of plant technology. He assists in facilitating healing trough the teachings of shipibo cosmovision technology from the Amazon. Marco has been practicing and learning for...