A lifetime dancer Bernice’s passion is to awaken the dancer in others. She believes that moving the body with consciousness has the potential to unlock one’s own inner world, their purpose and ultimately a path to Divine truth. Bernice is the Founder of Dance...
Xhalida September (27) was born and raised on the unceded territories of the Musqueam, Tseil Waututh and S?wx?wú7mesh (Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada). Xhalida has been working with psilocybin for 10 years and has been compounding her own medicines for four...
Paula Graciela Kahn is a migrant justice social worker, consent and anti-oppression educator, and conflict transformation mediator. They designed and implemented consent, anti-oppression, and “decolonizing organizing: accomplices not allies” pedagogy for the Berkeley...
Dr. Ford’s career in international management, development, and women’s health spans three decades and all continents. Claudia holds a PhD in Environmental Studies and is on the faculty of Rhode Island School of Design. Claudia teaches ethnobotany, indigenous...
The Evolution of Our Intimacy: An Iboga Medicine Love StoryAuthor Elizabeth Bast was originally brought to the iboga medicine to help treat the opiate relapse of her lover and then her own PTSD, but the medicine gave the couple much more than they anticipated. Bast...
The Mystical Experience: Beyond Set and Setting At the crossroads of Quantum physics and altered states of consciousness lays a mystical world of inter-dimensional beings, metanoia, and magic. For thousands of years humans have used entheogens to produce a mystical...