November 1, 2, 3, 2024
Location, Parking, Lodging & Dining
Conference Location
The conference will be held in the Great Hall on the 2nd floor of the AMS Student Nest (, 6133 University Boulevard on the campus of the University of British Columbia (UBC) in Vancouver, BC. The main stairs into the building face East Mall. If you enter there and proceed more or less straight ahead to the elevators in front of you, it’s one floor up to level 2. Turn left out of the elevator and walk to the end of that hallway. We’ll have signs at various points.
Eating on Campus
For information on the eateries on campus on Saturdays and Sundays Visit:
There are several nearby parking lots on campus. Some have greater restrictions. In our experience the most convenient for the weekend is North Parkade, 6115 Student Union Blvd. It’s less than a 5 minute walk to The Nest. Rates at North Parkade and most other lots at UBC are $8 after 5 pm (until midnight) on Friday and $10 all day until midnight on Saturday and Sunday.(**Subject to UBC pricing/changes -NB: Umbrella or good rain jacket recommended. Weather can be wet and cool in November.)
Many out-of-town visitors will be checking out Airbnb (–Canada) There are several visitor accommodation options on the UBC campus: Carey Centre ( is very reasonable, Triumf House ( and West Coast Suites ( are more expensive. The website below lists several other options, including the above, except for Carey Centre.
Note: Accommodation is limited in these on-campus locations. Quick action recommended. Hotels: Because UBC is at the end of the road in a residential area of Vancouver, there are no hotels nearby. West Broadway has very efficient bus service to UBC (#99) and the Park Inn and Suites, 898 West Broadway ( is reasonably priced and may be the handiest.
(*Dear Americans: Note that your dollar is much stronger than ours. For eg,. $149 Canadian is only about $115 U.S.) Be aware that the downtown business core of Vancouver, where most of the big (and more expensive) hotels are, is over 12 km (8 mi.) from UBC, though there is good bus service from downtown to UBC – about 45-50 minutes.
Hostels: lists a dozen or so hostels*
*Note: Vancouver is very safe as big cities go, though parts of the area known as the Downtown East Side are run down and may be dicey. The centre of the Downtown East Side is around the intersection of Main St. and Hastings St. .

Conscious Living Network & Radio

Maahi Wellness


Simon Haiduk Studios

Banyen Books

Cosmic Sister


Green Amber Canada

Raw All Natural Rolling Papers

Sweet Justice

Reekie’s Lion Mane Coffee

Psychedelics Today


How Bout This Events


Portland Psychedelic Society



Dragonfly Earth Medicine

Unicorn Music Festival

The Flying Sage

Filament Health

HubCast Media

Conscious Living Network & Radio

Maahi Wellness


Simon Haiduk Studios

Banyen Books

Cosmic Sister


Green Amber Canada

Raw All Natural Rolling Papers

Sweet Justice

Reekie’s Lion Mane Coffee

Psychedelics Today


How Bout This Events


Portland Psychedelic Society



Dragonfly Earth Medicine

Unicorn Music Festival

The Flying Sage

Filament Health

HubCast Media
For sponsorship and vendor applications – CLICK HERE
For more information please contact Marc at: or call 778-657-5438
If you are interested in our affiliate opportunity – Please Click Here to Apply
SPMC and Conscious Living Network are not endorsing any specific guest or ideologies through this event. With any of the presenters involved, it is important to understand these are independent speakers with reputations of their own.
We are offering the forum to explore ideas and understandings about plant based intelligence and healing and would like to encourage participating guests to empower themselves through these discussions and through the information available. This is for security’s sake, and also to honor the diversity of cultures and perspectives in relationship to the plants and the people who work with them. Thank you.
Copyright © Spirit Plant Medicine Conference