SPMC 2023 Resource Page

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The Spirit Plant Medicine Conference

The Role of Psychedelics for a Planet in Transition

Life on planet Earth is changing faster than most of us could possibly have imagined only a few short years ago. The need for new (and ancient) visions of wisdom and compassion is greater than ever. When understood and used in optimal conditions and effectively integrated into the daily walk, the psychedelic, sacramental healing and awakening plants and related substances are arguably the most potent allies and tools available to struggling humanity in these tumultuous times. But these powerful substances are not the story itself. At their best they are in service of this overarching vision and urgent need for a “turning of the wheel.”

We at the Spirit Plant Medicine Conference are passionately committed to providing a platform for the sharing of insight and wisdom toward this vision and prayer for humanity, for all inhabitants of the planet, and for the Earth itself. To that end, we have been bringing leading influencers in fields related to psychedelics and consciousness change to Vancouver, Canada for 11 years. Over the course of that time we have learned from the presenters and participants themselves that this is a rare and special conference that has not only generated great information, inspiration, and community-strengthening connections, but has evoked a remarkable, empowering heart quality among those attending.

You are warmly invited to join us for this seminal and potentially life-altering event, for yourself and for all our relatives on the beautiful blue planet.


Subject: Join Us at The Spirit Plant Medicine Conference

Dear [First Name],

As our world swiftly changes, the call for ancient wisdom and newfound visions has never been louder. Embrace the profound impact of psychedelics in these transformative times, bridging the wisdom of the past with the needs of the present.

Understand the role of sacramental plants in awakening and healing.  Discover insights from leading influencers in psychedelics and consciousness.  Experience the empowering heart quality of a community united in vision and purpose.

For 11 years, Vancouver has been the heart of this spiritual and educational convergence. And this year, whether you join us in person or online, we promise a journey of enlightenment and connection.

[Link: Secure Your Spot at SpiritPlantMedicine.com]

Together, let’s champion the turning of the wheel for the Earth and its inhabitants.

Warmly, The Spirit Plant Medicine Conference Team

Social Media Posts:

  1. #SpiritPlantMedicineConference – Where ancient wisdom meets modern vision. Join us in Vancouver or online and be part of the global consciousness shift. [Link]
  2. Our planet is in transition. Dive deep into the role of psychedelics in shaping our future. 11 years and counting! Join us this year: [SpiritPlantMedicine.com]
  3. A conference unlike any other. Experience insights, community, and an awakening heart at the Spirit Plant Medicine Conference. Save your spot now!  [Link]
  4. Embrace the magic of sacramental plants and their profound impact on our evolving world.  Join the Spirit Plant Medicine Conference and be part of the change. [SpiritPlantMedicine.com]
  5. For the Earth, for humanity, for our future. The Spirit Plant Medicine Conference is back, in-person and online. Be there as we explore the role of psychedelics in our global transition.  [Link]

Email Copy(virtual focus):

Subject: Dive into Ancient Wisdom from the Comfort of Home

Hello [First Name],

The Spirit Plant Medicine Conference goes virtual, and we’re excited to bring the transformative power of psychedelics and ancient wisdom straight to your screen!

Engage with leading voices in psychedelics and consciousness—without travel.  Seamless online experience filled with inspiration, insights, and impactful connections. Explore the essential role of sacramental plants in these unprecedented times—all from your chosen space.

Join us in this digital realm where the essence of age-old traditions meets the future.

[Link: Register for the Virtual Experience at SpiritPlantMedicine.com]

Together, even in the virtual world, we can catalyze profound change for our planet.

Warm regards, The Spirit Plant Medicine Conference Team

Social Media Posts:

  1. The #SpiritPlantMedicineConference is now just a click away! Engage with ancient wisdom and psychedelics from anywhere in the world.  Reserve your virtual spot: [Link]
  2. No travel? No problem! Discover the transformative power of sacramental plants at our virtual conference. Dive deep, wherever you are.  Join us: [SpiritPlantMedicine.com]
  3. Screen on, world off. Let’s explore the role of psychedelics in our global transition, all from the comfort of your home. Virtual seats filling fast!  [Link]
  4. Unlock ancient visions without stepping out! Join the Spirit Plant Medicine Conference virtually and be part of a global consciousness shift. Register now: [SpiritPlantMedicine.com]
  5. Digital realm meets ancient wisdom.  Tap into the heart of the #SpiritPlantMedicineConference right on your screen. Be part of this unique online experience: [Link]

Email & Social Media Copy


The Spirit Plant Medicine Conference

The Role of Psychedelics for a Planet in Transition

Life on planet Earth is changing faster than most of us could possibly have imagined only a few short years ago. The need for new (and ancient) visions of wisdom and compassion is greater than ever. When understood and used in optimal conditions and effectively integrated into the daily walk, the psychedelic, sacramental healing and awakening plants and related substances are arguably the most potent allies and tools available to struggling humanity in these tumultuous times.

But these powerful substances are not the story itself. At their best they are in service of this overarching vision and urgent need for a “turning of the wheel.” We at the Spirit Plant Medicine Conference are passionately committed to providing a platform for the sharing of insight and wisdom toward this vision and prayer for humanity, for all inhabitants of the planet, and for the Earth itself.

To that end, we have been bringing leading influencers in fields related to psychedelics and consciousness change to Vancouver, Canada for 11 years. Over the course of that time we have learned from the presenters and participants themselves that this is a rare and special conference that has not only generated great information, inspiration, and community-strengthening connections, but has evoked a remarkable, empowering heart quality among those attending.

One of the defining and all but unique features of the beloved Spirit Plant Medicine Conference, now in its 12th year in Vancouver, Canada, is its diversity and its range of perspectives on psychedelics and consciousness transformation. Each year we have a more or less equal balance of female and male presenters with significant indigenous and BIPOC representation. Our speakers have included influential ceremonialists, therapists, philosophers, visionary mystics, advocates, activists, and academics – always with a keen eye on sharing “actionable” information and inspiration for individual and collective healing for a planet in transition.

You are warmly invited to join us for this seminal and potentially life-altering event, for yourself and for all our relatives on the beautiful blue planet.


For sponsorship and vendor applications – CLICK HERE

For more information please contact Marc at:

support@ConsciousLivingNetwork.net or call 778-657-5438

If you are interested in our affiliate opportunity  – Please Click Here to Apply


SPMC and Conscious Living Network are not endorsing any specific guest or ideologies through this event. With any of the presenters involved, it is important to understand these are independent speakers with reputations of their own.

We are offering the forum to explore ideas and understandings about plant based intelligence and healing and would like to encourage participating guests to empower themselves through these discussions and through the information available. This is for security’s sake, and also to honor the diversity of cultures and perspectives in relationship to the plants and the people who work with them. Thank you.

Copyright © Spirit Plant Medicine Conference


For sponsorship and vendor applications – CLICK HERE

For more information please contact Marc at:

support@ConsciousLivingNetwork.net or call 778-657-5438

If you are interested in our affiliate opportunity  – Please Click Here to Apply


SPMC and Conscious Living Network are not endorsing any specific guest or ideologies through this event. With any of the presenters involved, it is important to understand these are independent speakers with reputations of their own.

We are offering the forum to explore ideas and understandings about plant based intelligence and healing and would like to encourage participating guests to empower themselves through these discussions and through the information available. This is for security’s sake, and also to honor the diversity of cultures and perspectives in relationship to the plants and the people who work with them. Thank you.

Copyright © Spirit Plant Medicine Conference


For sponsorship and vendor applications – CLICK HERE

For more information please contact Marc at:

support@ConsciousLivingNetwork.net or call 778-657-5438

If you are interested in our affiliate opportunity  – Please Click Here to Apply


SPMC and Conscious Living Network are not endorsing any specific guest or ideologies through this event. With any of the presenters involved, it is important to understand these are independent speakers with reputations of their own.

We are offering the forum to explore ideas and understandings about plant based intelligence and healing and would like to encourage participating guests to empower themselves through these discussions and through the information available. This is for security’s sake, and also to honor the diversity of cultures and perspectives in relationship to the plants and the people who work with them. Thank you.

Copyright © Spirit Plant Medicine Conference


For sponsorship and vendor applications – CLICK HERE

For more information please contact Marc at:

support@ConsciousLivingNetwork.net or call 778-657-5438

If you are interested in our affiliate opportunity  – Please Click Here to Apply


SPMC and Conscious Living Network are not endorsing any specific guest or ideologies through this event. With any of the presenters involved, it is important to understand these are independent speakers with reputations of their own.

We are offering the forum to explore ideas and understandings about plant based intelligence and healing and would like to encourage participating guests to empower themselves through these discussions and through the information available. This is for security’s sake, and also to honor the diversity of cultures and perspectives in relationship to the plants and the people who work with them. Thank you.

Copyright © Spirit Plant Medicine Conference


For sponsorship and vendor applications – CLICK HERE

For more information please contact Marc at:

support@ConsciousLivingNetwork.net or call 778-657-5438

If you are interested in our affiliate opportunity  – Please Click Here to Apply


SPMC and Conscious Living Network are not endorsing any specific guest or ideologies through this event. With any of the presenters involved, it is important to understand these are independent speakers with reputations of their own.

We are offering the forum to explore ideas and understandings about plant based intelligence and healing and would like to encourage participating guests to empower themselves through these discussions and through the information available. This is for security’s sake, and also to honor the diversity of cultures and perspectives in relationship to the plants and the people who work with them. Thank you.

Copyright © Spirit Plant Medicine Conference


For sponsorship and vendor applications – CLICK HERE

For more information please contact Marc at:

support@ConsciousLivingNetwork.net or call 778-657-5438

If you are interested in our affiliate opportunity  – Please Click Here to Apply


SPMC and Conscious Living Network are not endorsing any specific guest or ideologies through this event. With any of the presenters involved, it is important to understand these are independent speakers with reputations of their own.

We are offering the forum to explore ideas and understandings about plant based intelligence and healing and would like to encourage participating guests to empower themselves through these discussions and through the information available. This is for security’s sake, and also to honor the diversity of cultures and perspectives in relationship to the plants and the people who work with them. Thank you.

Copyright © Spirit Plant Medicine Conference


For sponsorship and vendor applications – CLICK HERE

For more information please contact Marc at:

support@ConsciousLivingNetwork.net or call 778-657-5438

If you are interested in our affiliate opportunity  – Please Click Here to Apply


SPMC and Conscious Living Network are not endorsing any specific guest or ideologies through this event. With any of the presenters involved, it is important to understand these are independent speakers with reputations of their own.

We are offering the forum to explore ideas and understandings about plant based intelligence and healing and would like to encourage participating guests to empower themselves through these discussions and through the information available. This is for security’s sake, and also to honor the diversity of cultures and perspectives in relationship to the plants and the people who work with them. Thank you.

Copyright © Spirit Plant Medicine Conference


For sponsorship and vendor applications – CLICK HERE

For more information please contact Marc at:

support@ConsciousLivingNetwork.net or call 778-657-5438

If you are interested in our affiliate opportunity  – Please Click Here to Apply


SPMC and Conscious Living Network are not endorsing any specific guest or ideologies through this event. With any of the presenters involved, it is important to understand these are independent speakers with reputations of their own.

We are offering the forum to explore ideas and understandings about plant based intelligence and healing and would like to encourage participating guests to empower themselves through these discussions and through the information available. This is for security’s sake, and also to honor the diversity of cultures and perspectives in relationship to the plants and the people who work with them. Thank you.

Copyright © Spirit Plant Medicine Conference


For sponsorship and vendor applications – CLICK HERE

For more information please contact Marc at:

support@ConsciousLivingNetwork.net or call 778-657-5438

If you are interested in our affiliate opportunity  – Please Click Here to Apply


SPMC and Conscious Living Network are not endorsing any specific guest or ideologies through this event. With any of the presenters involved, it is important to understand these are independent speakers with reputations of their own.

We are offering the forum to explore ideas and understandings about plant based intelligence and healing and would like to encourage participating guests to empower themselves through these discussions and through the information available. This is for security’s sake, and also to honor the diversity of cultures and perspectives in relationship to the plants and the people who work with them. Thank you.

Copyright © Spirit Plant Medicine Conference


For sponsorship and vendor applications – CLICK HERE

For more information please contact Marc at:

support@ConsciousLivingNetwork.net or call 778-657-5438

If you are interested in our affiliate opportunity  – Please Click Here to Apply


SPMC and Conscious Living Network are not endorsing any specific guest or ideologies through this event. With any of the presenters involved, it is important to understand these are independent speakers with reputations of their own.

We are offering the forum to explore ideas and understandings about plant based intelligence and healing and would like to encourage participating guests to empower themselves through these discussions and through the information available. This is for security’s sake, and also to honor the diversity of cultures and perspectives in relationship to the plants and the people who work with them. Thank you.

Copyright © Spirit Plant Medicine Conference