






The Transformative Power of Psychedelics: From Individual to Collective to Planetary

Life on Earth is changing faster than most of us could have imagined only a few years ago. The need for new—and ancient—visions of compassion, connection, restored balance, and enlightened action is greater than ever. When understood and used in optimal conditions and effectively integrated into the daily walk, the psychedelic, sacramental plants and related substances are arguably the most potent allies and tools available to humanity in these tumultuous times.

But these remarkable substances are not the story itself. At their best they’re in service of this overarching vision and prayer for a “turning of the soil” that begins with our own healing and naturally extends out into the way we manifest and participate in the world. We at the Spirit Plant Medicine Conference (SPMC) are passionately committed to providing a platform for the sharing of insight and wisdom toward this vision for the benefit of all inhabitants of the planet, for the Earth itself, and for the generations to come.

To that end, we’ve been bringing leading influencers in fields related to psychedelics and consciousness transformation to Vancouver, Canada for 13 years. Over the course of that time we’ve learned from the presenters and participants that the SPMC is a rare and special conference that has not only generated great information, inspiration, and community-strengthening connections, but has evoked an empowering heart quality among those attending.

2024 Presenters

One of the defining and all but unique features of the beloved SPMC is its diversity and its range of perspectives on psychedelics and consciousness transformation. Each year we have a more or less equal balance of female and male presenters with significant indigenous and BIPOC representation. Our speakers have included ceremonialists, therapists, philosophers, mystics, advocates, activists, and academics – always with a keen eye on sharing “actionable” information and inspiration for individual and collective healing for a planet in transition.

As you can see with the 2024 speaker lineup, that balance and breadth of perspectives is again in full force with another remarkable collection of influential representatives of the medicines and their associated modalities and cosmologies.

You are warmly invited to join us for this seminal and potentially life-altering event—for yourself and for all our relatives on the beautiful blue planet.

The Spirit Plant Medicine Team.

Rick Doblin

Rick Doblin

Rick Doblin, Ph.D., is the founder and president of the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS). He received his doctorate in Public...

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Mary Sanders

Mary Sanders

Mary Sanders, LCSW, is a dynamic psychotherapist and fervent social justice advocate, infusing passion into both her clinical endeavors and community...

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Jamie Wheal

Jamie Wheal

"Mapping the Mysto: Towards an Integrated Theory of High Weirdness" Jamie Wheal is the author of Recapture the Rapture: Rethinking God, Sex and Death In a...

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Acacea Lewis

Acacea Lewis

"The Origins of the Ritual Use of Crystals and Mushrooms" Acacea Lewis is the Founder of Divine Master Alchemy LLC, and Divine Master University, a school for...

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Christopher Bache

Christopher Bache

Christopher M. Bache is professor emeritus in the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies at Youngstown State University where he taught for 33 years....

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Christine Diindiisi McCleave

Christine Diindiisi McCleave

Christine Diindiisi McCleave, enrolled citizen of the Turtle Mountain Ojibwe Nation, is the past CEO of the National Native American Boarding School Healing...

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Sandor Iron Rope

Sandor Iron Rope

Sandor Iron Rope is a member of the Tetonwan Lakota Oyate, Oglala Lakota spiritual leader from Porcupine District and enrolled member of the Oglala Sioux...

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Sutton King

Sutton King

Sutton King, N??qtaw-Pianakiw (comes first woman), MPH, Afro-Indigenous, descendent of the Menominee and Oneida Nation of Wisconsin, is a graduate of NYU...

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Dr. Osiris Garcia Cerqueda

Dr. Osiris Garcia Cerqueda

Dr. Osiris García Cerqueda is an Indigenous Mazatec historian and sociologist fromHuautla de Jiménez, Oaxaca, Mexico. From a very young age, he has dedicated...

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Dominique Morisano

Dominique Morisano

Dr. Dominique Morisano, CPsych, is a clinical psychologist and Adjunct Professor at the University of Toronto and University of Ottawa. She has received...

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Soi Pimi Witan

Soi Pimi Witan

Soi Pimi Witan grew up in the farm country of Western New York. He studied film at NYU after which he spent several years traveling the world. He subsequently...

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Kelly Dunn & Josh Sarvis

Kelly Dunn & Josh Sarvis

Josh Sarvis and Kelly Dunn have been cultivating pure, closed loop cannabis for almost 3 decades. They are Humus Beings dedicated to intentionally and...

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Kenneth Tupper, Ph.D

Kenneth Tupper, Ph.D

Kenneth Tupper, Ph.D., is an Adjunct Professor in the School of Child & Youth Care at the University of Victoria. Kenneth’s doctoral research developed...

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Olivia Marcus

Olivia Marcus

Olivia Marcus completed her PhD in medical anthropology from the University of Connecticut with a specialization in social sciences and healthcare, and an MPH...

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Willow WoodSmith

Willow WoodSmith

Wood Carver, Plant Romancer, Ceremonialist, Father and Village Tender Born and raised as a child in the woods of Northern Interior BC, and Detroit city in his...

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Dr. Anja Loizaga-Velder

Dr. Anja Loizaga-Velder

Dr. Anja Loizaga-Velder is a German-Mexican clinical psychologist whose research into the therapeutic potential of ritual psychedelic plant use spans more...

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Marco Sánchez

Marco Sánchez

Watch Marco's Full 2023 Presentation Here Marco Sánchez is a practitioner and researcher of plant technology. He assists in facilitating healing trough the...

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Miguel Carrillo

Miguel Carrillo

Miguel Carrillo is the son of Marakame Pablo Carrillo and is a well-known musician for his tribe. Miguel has received the responsibility as Jicarero in the...

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Don Rafael Pizano

Don Rafael Pizano

Don Rafael is a natural-born Marakame (medicine man) of the Wixárika Nation in Jalisco Mexico. He is one of the few remaining Marakame alive that have walked...

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Theda Phoenix

Theda Phoenix

Theda Phoenix is a sacred sound channel, intuitive singer, sound-healer, songwriter and recording artist whose enchanting voice, shamanic sounds and soul...

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Renowned Australian didjeridu master Shine has been performing, teaching, and offering sound healing for close to 30 years. He has performed at numerous...

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Curtis Andrews

Curtis Andrews

Curtis Andrews is a Canadian musician with global persuasions; a percussionist/composer/teacher who creates music that is informed by his many years of...

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For more information please contact Marc at: or call 778-657-5438

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SPMC and Conscious Living Network are not endorsing any specific guest or ideologies through this event. With any of the presenters involved, it is important to understand these are independent speakers with reputations of their own.

We are offering the forum to explore ideas and understandings about plant based intelligence and healing and would like to encourage participating guests to empower themselves through these discussions and through the information available. This is for security’s sake, and also to honor the diversity of cultures and perspectives in relationship to the plants and the people who work with them. Thank you.

Copyright © Spirit Plant Medicine Conference